Research and Studies

Intentions Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Camps - Kurdistan Region of Iraq

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In consultation with the Protection Working Group (PWG) of Dahuk, Erbil and Sulaymaniyah Governorates of the KRI and the UNHCR Protection Unit, REACH was mobilised to assess any intended movements of Syrian refugee households between host communities and camps, between and within camps, and from camps outside the KRI. This assessment also aims to understand if the intentions of Syrian refugees in camps have altered since the arrival of IDPs, in order to gain a better understanding of refugee intentions overall, that will inform decision-making, planning and targeting of aid by humanitarian actors responding to the needs of Syrian Refugees across the KRI.

A total sample of 1,981 households across all formal refugee camps were assessed to provide aid actors with information about the demographic profile, intentions and concerns of Syrian refugees staying in camps across the KRI.

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