Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Inter-Agency Real Time Evaluation (IA-RTE) of the Humanitarian Response to Typhoons Ketsana and Parma in the Philippines

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The IA-RTE provided a snap shot of the current situation including real-time feedback and learning to the UNCT and to the IASC locally. The main objectives were to learn from the initial phase of the response and to identify lessons that need to be taken forward into programme and secondly, to enable field and headquarters staff to undertake corrective actions in real time as the response evolves. The results of the IA-RTE in the Philippines were envisaged to support the ongoing operational planning of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the main user of the IA-RTE process and its recommendations. The IA-RTE focused in large part on the functioning of the effectiveness and efficiency of the current coordination and management systems; at the same time, there were also a focus on soliciting feedback from beneficiary populations on results achieved thus far.

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