Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Inter-Agency Real Time Evaluation of Emergency Humanitarian Operations: Procedures and Methodologies

Revised ia rte procedures and methodologies 2011 10 06 png

Following the decision by the IASC Working Group (IASC WG) to move beyond the pilot phase for inter-agency RTE to regular implementation, it requested that an OCHA-led Interagency Real Time Evaluation Interest Group (OCHA IA RTE IG), develops a set of operating procedures for RTE.

The guidelines include; criteria for the triggering of an IA-RTE; a clear purpose statement for IA-RTEs; and a standard Terms of Reference and clearly described, commonly accepted assessment methodologies. The procedures and methodologies apply in both natural disaster situations and in complex emergency situations which occur in a single national context, but do not apply in the case of disasters involving cross-border operations.

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