Syrian refugees have been seeking safety, shelter, and dignity in Jordan since the start of the Syrian crisis in 2011. As of April 2016, there are 638,633 registered Syrian refugees residing in the kingdom, with roughly 520,000 registered outside of camps. Without an end to the conflict in sight, the integration of gender dimensions into humanitarian health services – delivered under three overarching areas of Community Care, Primary Care and Secondary & Tertiary Care - remains an imperative.
The health sector gender analysis was undertaken to identify the different needs of women, girls, boys and men and potential barriers that they face and to ensure that they can access health services equally. The specific objectives of the gender analysis were to analyze: (i) Refugee population demographics; (ii) Biological factors of refugee women and men against health-related dimensions; (iii) Sociocultural factors affecting women and men against health-related dimensions; (iv) Access to and control over resources by women and men against health-related dimensions; and (v) Review gender Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the Health Sector M&E System.