n their position paper "Focus on the Frontlines: How the Grand Bargain can deliver on its promise to improve humanitarian aid", IRC make five key recommendations based on our outcomes and evidence approach and in support of the two enabling priorities identified for the next iteration of the Grand Bargain, or ‘Grand Bargain 2.0’ – enhanced quality funding and localisation. In particular, they suggest:
Increasing the volume of aid – both direct and passed-through funding – to frontline implementers. By ‘frontline implementers’ we mean those actors who are best placed to intervene on the frontlines of humanitarian action, be they local civil society, international NGOs or a partnership of the two;
Improving the quality of aid, which must be flexible and multi-year and must reach frontline implementers faster;
Better tracking humanitarian financing flows for higher transparency and accountability;
Supporting a more equitable distribution of power for people affected by crisis; and
Scaling the coordination of humanitarian cash and incorporating cost-effectiveness tools and assessments that strike the best balance between costs and outcomes for people in need.