Research and Studies

Joint Rapid Health Facility Capacity and Utilization Assessment (JRHFCUA)

61 capacity and utilization assessment moh jordan release january 2014 png

The Jordanian Ministry of Health (MOH) in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), UN Country Team members (UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA), MDM together with International Advisory Products and Systems (iAPS) and the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Global Health (MGH) and Harvard University (Harvard) (hereafter referred to as the iAPS/Harvard team) sought to answer three key policy questions through this Joint Rapid Health Facility Capacity Utilization Assessment (JRHFCUA):

1. What is the capacity of the Jordanian MOH health facilities in the five governorates in northern Jordan? 2. What is the utilisation rate and pattern in these MOH health facilities by Syrian refugees? 3. What types of health conditions are most prevalent among Syrian refugees seeking healthcare?

To answer these questions, the MOH, WHO, iAPS/Harvard Team and key partners collaboratively designed and implemented an assessment of the existing capacity and utilisation of all MOH health care facilities in the 5 governorates of northern Jordan which host the highest proportion of refugees. This assessment took place over a one-month period from June to July, 2013.

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