The UN Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) has launched this standard allocation for US $3.5 million in order to support the implementation of the Jordan Response Plan (JRP) by releasing resources to partners and to respond to critical funding gaps in Jordan.
This standard allocation is aligned with the JRP, and thus activities supported must be within the agreed ‘humanitarian parameters’ of people affected by the Syrian crises, and reflect priority activities outlined in the sector-specific sections. This strategy draws upon the most urgent priorities and gaps in assistance identified by each of the sectors.
Since the onset of the Syria Crisis, Jordan has welcomed Syrians seeking refuge, protection, and safety from the conflict. With this humanitarian spirit, the government and the people of Jordan have also extended public services, facilities, resources and hospitality in an attempt to accommodate the most pressing needs of the Syrian refugees. As a result of the crisis over a million Syrians have fled to Jordan, 660,440 of whom are registered refugees. Of these, 519,697 (78.7%) live in host communities, while the remaining 140,743 (21.3%) live in camps, principally Za’atari and Azraq. In addition to Palestinian, Iraqi and other refugees, the impact of Syrian refugees have placed considerable strain on social, economic, institutional and natural resource systems throughout Jordan.