Research and Studies

Jordan Medical Referrals at a Glance: Year End Report January –December, 2016

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Jordan hosts asylum seekers and refugees from different neighbouring countries. As of 31st December 2016, 655,344 (514,274 and 141,070 in urban and camps respectively) Syrian refugees have been registered with UNHCR Jordan office since the onset of crisis in 2011. In addition, Jordan hosts asylum seekers and refugees from Iraq, Sudan, Yemen and Somalia.

Access to healthcare services for refugees varies according to the country of origin. Syrian refugees living in the urban setting have access to all levels of healthcare services (primary, secondary and tertiary) at governmental health facilities at the non-insured Jordanian rate, given that they hold a valid UNHCR asylum seeker certificate and a valid security card. Syrian refugees residing in the camps and non-Syrian need to pay foreigners’ rate when accessing any level of healthcare at governmental health facilities. This renders access to essential and life-saving healthcare services unaffordable without support.

Referral care is considered an essential part of access to comprehensive health services, thus UNHCR since 2014 has maintained a medical referral database in order to monitor trends in urban and camp settings in Jordan.

This report includes all referrals data for the period January to December 2016.

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