This decentralized evaluation was commissioned by the WFP Country Office for Kenya and covers the effects and a cost-benefit analysis of the General Food Distribution Cash Modality scale up (Cash Based Transfers for PRRO 200737) for refugees and host communities in Kenya from 2015 to 2017. It was carried out in 2018.
The evaluation was commissioned to assess the effects of scaling up the substitution of the cereal ration in in-kind assistance with CBT (first time in Kenya) while developing a model that determines the effective and efficient mix between food assistance and CBT. The evaluation was intended for both accountability and learning purposes and will inform the formulation of the Country Strategic Programme. It focused on assessing the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact of the CBT modality as well as evaluating the coherence, coverage, effectiveness, and connectedness of the intervention. Overarching evaluation questions focussed on evaluating the value and relevance of the CBT modality to the needs of beneficiaries, the effects of the CBT modality on households’ nutrition and livelihoods, the inclusion of a gender-sensitive design and implementation, and the CBT impact on markets, gender relations, and host communities.