Key Results of the ARCC project carried out by SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL in the DRC

With his experience in the implementation of cash transfer programs through voucher fairs organized in the eastern DRC (RRMP - Rapid Response to Movements of Population), SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL launched in October 2011 a 6-month pilot project, funded by UNICEF, to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable populations in Djugu Territory. This project funded by the ARCC tool (Alternative Response for Communities in Crisis) consists in providing vouchers directly exchangeable in shops and local merchants and to offer to 1200 households a wide range of goods, from classic non-food items (NFI) to varied production assets (eg agricultural tools). The project aims also to promote the development of income generating activities (IGAs), inviting recipients to come together and pool their vouchers to be able to purchase items more expensive. This article presents the main findings of the evaluation of the project conducted in April-May 2012 by Johan PASQUET, external consultant, which aimed to determine the impact of the project on the resilience of the beneficiaries and the local economy. In addition, one objective of the evaluation was to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the approach adopted by SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL.

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