The decentralised evaluation was commissioned by the Lesotho Country Office and covers the National School Feeding Programme for the period 2007 - 2017. Over the evaluation period, the School Feeding Programme was implemented through a series of WFP development projects including DEV10266 (2006-08), DEV10582 (2008-10), and DEV200199 (2011-12); and a Trust Fund 200771 (2015-2019) between WFP and the Ministry of Education and Training.
The primary aim of the evaluation was to build common understanding of: i) the contribution of school feeding to development objectives; ii) the comparative costs incurred by Government and communities in implementing school feeding programmes; iii) the design adjustments that Government and its partners should make to integrate school feeding into its national social protection agenda; iv) the most appropriate and efficient institutional arrangements of managing and implementing an efficient national school feeding programme in future, and; v) the most appropriate approach WFP and government should take to develop a transition strategy towards a fully Government funded and implemented SFP in future.
The evaluation, which makes several recommendations for the future, was managed by the WFP Lesotho Country Office and conducted by independent consultants, with fieldwork taking place in February 2018.