
Lessons about evaluating responses to the pandemic: Insights from the World Food Program Developmental Evaluation

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The first overarching Blue Marble Evaluation principle is the Global Thinking Principle: Apply whole-Earth big-picture thinking to all aspects of systems change. The World Food Programme (WFP) epitomizes that principle. The pandemic, as a global challenge, requires Global Thinking. In evaluating WFP’s response to the pandemic, global thinking is critical.

Working in 88 countries, WFP also manifests the GLOCAL Principle: Integrate complex interconnections across levels. The global-local interface means that evaluation must examine what is happening at headquarters, what is happening at the country level, and the interactions globally to locally and locally to globally.

The World Savvy Principle calls for and guides ongoing learning. This blog highlights the ongoing learning of WFP as it undertakes an evaluation of the organization’s response to the pandemic.

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