This Lessons Learned Exercise (LLE) focuses on the coordination work and relations building carried out by the Task Force since it was established in December 2016. It looks at how the Task Force achieved its objectives by engaging with humanitarian actors outside of the ESSN and the various coordination mechanisms created to assist refugees in Turkey, under the umbrella of the Syria Task Force (STF), the inter-agency structure responsible for coordinating the UN’s and NGO response to the refugee crisis in Turkey.
The LLE’s primary objectives are to:
- Review the overall role of the ESSN Task Force and how it has coordinated the largest multi-purpose cash programme in Turkey, including the different actors and levels engaged;
- Analyze the value of ESSN coordination structures to external partners and other coordination mechanisms; and
- Document good practices, lessons learned, gaps and recommend ways forward.
Key findings are organized according to: what worked well; gaps/risks; and key takeaways, under three main criteria: (1) relevance/appropriateness; (2) effectiveness; and (3) interconnectedness and sustainability of engagements. Where relevant, context-specific feedback is elaborated upon. Recommendations are outlined after each set of findings. Below is an overview of the key takeaways and recommendations structured by criteria.