Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Lessons learned on humanitarian action in urban contexts in Latin America and the Caribbean

Findings and Recommendations

This report was prepared in the context of an Oxfam International global learning initiative launched as a result of the latest disaster response experiences Oxfam has been involved in, and considering the unprecedented challenge posed by humanitarian response and preparedness in urban contexts. In Latin America and the Caribbean, Oxfam has coordinated humanitarian responses to floods that have affected cities such as Gonaives (Haiti) and Trinidad (Bolivia), as well as earthquakes in Port-au-Prince (Haiti) and Concepción (Chile). On the other hand, the capitals of some countries in the region, such as Port-au-Prince, Mexico City, Guatemala City, Managua, Bogota, Lima and Santiago, are highly vulnerable to earthquakes and have experienced significant losses in the last 50 years. The following are some of the main objectives sought by Oxfam with this initiative:

  1. Enhance disaster preparedness in urban contexts: based on learning and innovation, Oxfam will develop contingency plans adapted to the needs of urban responses from a technical perspective and based on coordination with relevant allies in this context.
  2. Increase knowledge and build Oxfam's staff's capacities to respond to urban disasters: Once contingency plans have identified the potential response in urban contexts, a capacity building program will be implemented so Oxfam's staff and its allies can build their skills, increase their level of knowledge and implement actions identified.
  3. Implement a learning project: At least 2 countries have expressed their interest in the implementation of this pilot project. Its scope will be discussed in more detail during the first year based on research results and lessons learned from previous responses. This learning will be replicated in other countries.

The basis for this report was a review of documentary information gathered both by Oxfam and other international humanitarian actors. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with Oxfam GB's staff in the regional office and country offices in Latin America, as well as staff members involved in some urban emergencies where Oxfam GB has intervened. This document describes the situation of urbanization in Latin America and the Caribbean, its main causes and effects, and the challenges posed by urbanization to humanitarian response and preparedness in cities. It also addresses specific aspects of the strategic approach (needs assessment, identification of beneficiaries, program strategies, human resources, logistics, administration/finance, etc.) and the programmatic approach (shelter, food security, livelihoods, WASH) regularly considered by OGB in humanitarian response and planning activities. In each case we describe the main challenges and make specific recommendations to consider upon preparing contingency plans and/or designing humanitarian programs.

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