Research and Studies

Making Peace Last: A Toolbox for Sustainable Peacebuilding

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The international community invests billions annually in thousands of discrete projects designed to overcome poverty, stop violence, spread human rights, fight terrorism, and combat global warming. The hope is that these separate projects will “add up” to lasting societal change in places like Afghanistan. In reality, these initiatives are not adding up to sustainable peace. Making Peace Last applies systems thinking to help improve the productivity of peacebuilding, broadly defined. This book defines the theory, analysis, and practice needed to create peacebuilding approaches that are as dynamic and adaptive as the societies they are trying to affect. The book is based on a combination of field experience and research into systems thinking, peace and conflict, and conflict resolution. The primary audience is policy makers and practitioners from the many fields that make up peacebuilding. This book can also be used as a textbook in courses on peacebuilding, security, and development. Making Peace Last is a comprehensive approach to finding sustainable solutions to the world’s most pressing social problems.