Malawi, School Meals Programme (2013-2015): an evaluation

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The decentralized evaluation was commissioned by WFP Malawi Country Office and covers the “Final Evaluation of the School Meals Programme in Malawi with support from United States Department of Agriculture and Governments of Brazil and the United Kingdom, 2013-2015”. It was intended to assess the contribution of two School Meals projects to the WFP’s overall School Meals Programme in Malawi and to document achievements and potential of the two projects.

The subject of this evaluation is the School Meals Program which aimed to improve school attendance, increase learner enrolment, decrease drop-outs, increase knowledge of safe food preparation and storage practiced, and improve teacher attendance.

The evaluation, which makes several recommendations for the future, was managed by the WFP Malawi Country Office and conducted by independent consultants, with fieldwork taking place in June 2017.

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