Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Mapping of the Monitoring and Evaluation Practices Among Danish NGOs

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This mapping of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices among Danish NGOs has been conducted upon the initiative of the Evaluation Department of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Department for Humanitarian Assistance and NGO Cooperation (hereafter NGO Department) and the Quality Assurance Department. It develops in the ongoing cooperation and dialogue between Danish NGOs and the Ministry regarding strategies, modalities and impact, which at the moment is in focus in connection with the revision of the Civil Society Strategy. The background to the mapping is the recent Assessment of the Administration of the Danish NGO Support conducted by the National Auditors (2007). The National Auditors raised questions regarding the use within Danida of the evaluations produced by the Danish NGOs. The overall purpose is: “As a first step in the follow-up to the Assessment of the Administration of the Danish NGO Support, the Evaluation Department of the Ministry in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Department and the NGO Department wish to map the existing evaluation and monitoring practices among the Danish NGOs with a view to establishing the basis for a later assessment of how Danida can systematize the use of results, measurements and evaluations within the NGO sector.

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