The ECHO funded ERC project ‘Building institutional capacity for timely food security emergency response to slow onset crises at scale’ aims to contribute to the institutionalisation of market analysis and to the sharing of learning and best practice on the role of markets in humanitarian responses. Following the development and application of several market analysis tools and approaches, and the growing interest in the design of market based relief delivery projects, it became clear that it was an opportune moment to share learning from the substantial progresses made to date, to identify synergies in the different initiatives from different agencies and agree on priority areas of development, in order to avoid duplication and to progress as a sector.
The Market Learning Event presented one of the first opportunities to bring together a wide range of actors concerned with markets, to discuss the scope of market work. The event focused on sharing experiences and learning around three key areas; market assessment, market analysis and market responses, including support to markets and market based programming.