Research and Studies

Marsabit County drought early warning bulletin for June 2016

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Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

Rainfall report: 5.2 mm of rainfall was received around Mt Marsabit and its close environs and 6.8 mm was received in Moyale Township which is within normal ranges. This was mainly light showers and traced rainfall during the last dekad.

Vegetation condition; Pasture and browse condition is good in agro pastoral livelihood and good to fair in pastoral livelihood

Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators; crop condition (Maize) is fair and worsening due to moisture stress. Livestock body condition is good in all the species across the County with some livestock in pastoral livelihood having fair body condition.

Livestock Migration is minimal across the county but livestock is shifting further away from homesteads as pasture gets depleted. Milk production has slightly improved in Pastoral and Agro Pastoral Livelihood. No livestock deaths as a result of drought.

Access indicators; Terms of trade has deteriorated due to decrease in goat prices. Return distance to water sources has increased when compared to last month. Milk consumption has also improved due to increased production compared to last month.

Utilization Indicators; nutritional status has slightly deteriorated with 16.7% of children less than 5 years at risk of malnutrition. Coping strategies index has remained unchanged compared to last month.

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