Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall report: Across the month,8.1 mm of rainfall was recorded in Mt Marsabit and 22.0 mm recorded in Moyale Station. The spatial distribution was not uniform while temporal distribution was poor, This is reported only in Marsabit and Moyale towns while the close environs experienced dry spells through out.
Vegetation condition; Pasture and browse condition is fair in agro pastoral livelihood and poor in most areas in pastoral livelihood zone as confirmed by VCI which shows moderate Vegetation deficit for County.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Production indicators; no crops are in the farms, farmers have prepared their land waiting for onset of the short rains. Livestock body condition is poor for all the species in pastoral areas and fair to poor in the agro pastoral livelihoods
Milk production has significantly reduced in both Pastoral and Agro Pastoral Livelihood. Livestock Migration patterns is outside the normal routes. In and out migration was reported in the County. Livestock deaths as a result of drought have been reported in some areas though minimal
Access indicators; Terms of trade have significantly decreased due to decrease in goat prices. Return distance to water sources both for livestock and domestic has continuously increased from July to date. Milk consumption has significantly declined due to decreased production.
Utilization Indicators; nutritional status has slightly deteriorated with 21.1% of children less than 5 years at risk of malnutrition. Coping strategies index has slightly increased compared to last month.