Research and Studies

Meeting food needs in the Sahel through government cash transfers: the experience of Senegal

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Sahelian countries have formulated policies aimed at protecting those households most vulnerable to seasonal shocks, through the introduction of cash transfers as a social safety net. They are also addressing issues related to resource and coordination with a view to taking full charge of the response to those among their population in chronic need. By building capacity to implement a cash transfer system to meet chronic poverty, and by accelerating the transition from an in-kind to a cash transfer-based aid response during busy seasons, Senegal is among those countries to have made the most progress in the transition from seasonal responses led by non-governmental humanitarian actors to coverage by a national social protection system.

This case study lists the factors that have enabled progress to be made by the Senegalese government in taking charge of the response to seasonal needs through cash transfers, and outlines the challenges yet to be overcome in upscaling and ensuring that such responses are sustainable.

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