Research and Studies

Mental Health Psychosocial and Child Protection for Syrian Adolescent Refugees in Jordan

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In order to ensure effective and appropriate interventions, International Medical Corps (IMC), with support from UNICEF, undertook detailed studies to understand the mental health and psychosocial (MHPSS) needs of Syrian refugee adolescents both in the camp and non-camp communities in Jordan. The purpose of the assessment is to assist in informing services that optimally encourage adolescent development, safety, and well-being. This report calls critical attention to Syrian adolescents' mental health and psychosocal priorities, as identified by adolescents themselves.

This report provides an overview of the study, which used mixed qualitative and quantitative methods with 2028 Syrian adolescent refugees in five areas (Irbid, Mafraq, Ramtha, Za'atari, and Zarqa). Additional data was collectedd to better understand adolescent experiences from more comprehensive secondary sources. These included key informant interviews from non-camp settings with service providers in the areas of mental health, protection, and education; 16 focus groups with Syrian mothers and fathers, and Jordanian mothers and fathers; and 505 individual interviews with Syrian parents.

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