Ecuador has been recognized as one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world. The Napo province presents 19 of the 91 ecosystems reported for Ecuador. With an integrated approach, the GEF-funded project “Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, forests, soil and water to achieve good living (Sumac Kawsay)” sought to overcome the many threats affecting biodiversity while reducing rural poverty. The project is contributing to the adoption of good management practices of forests, water, soil, crops and livestock by improving participation of the local Kichwa community, inclusion of its cosmovision in project activities and by addressing awareness raising and capacity building issues, also at institutional level. The project should continue its efforts to support the local government in giving a normative framework to conservation and sustainable production, institutionalize promotional instruments and implement value chain plans for cocoa, “naranjilla” and bio-trade products to generate an improvement in the living conditions and income of the beneficiary families.