Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Mid-Term Evaluation of the WFP India Country Programme (2003-2007)

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Objectives: The primary objective of the evaluation was: - To evaluate WFP's catalytic role in supporting India's effort to reduce vulnerability and eliminate hunger and food insecurity among the targeted hungry poor; WFP's efforts to promote and demonstrate models that provide immediate and longer-term food security in the most food insecure areas; and its advocacy efforts in support of the Government of India's (GOI) objective of a hunger free India. The secondary objective of the evaluation was - To evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of CP activities (Integrated Child Development Services, Food for Education, Food for Work, and select pilots).

Focus: A central focus of the evaluation was to determine the extent to which the India CP has achieved the WFP corporate goal under Strategic Priority 5, which is to: 'Help governments to establish and manage national food-assistance programmes.

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