Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Mid-Term Review of Norway's Humanitarian Policy

Mid term review of norways humanitarian policy png

The Norwegian Humanitarian Policy White Paper 40 came into effect in 2009 following the drafting of Norway’s Strategy on Humanitarian work (2008) and the Auditor General’s Report (2008). The Policy highlights four main goals as central to Norway’s work in the humanitarian field. These are: ? Ensure that people in need are given the necessary protection and assistance; ? Fund humanitarian efforts on the basis of the international principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence; ? Equip the international community to meet future global humanitarian challenges; and ? Prevent and respond to humanitarian crises and initiate reconstruction in their wake.

This review was conducted by a team of three Nordic Consulting Group consultants; two consultants conducted the review and one focused on the quality assurance of the final report. The review took place between June and September 2011.

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