Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Mid term Review: Youth volunteering to fight trafficking in human beings and abuse in Belarus

Youth volunteering to fight trafficking in human beings and abuse in Belarus is a tripartite knowledge and capacity building project. It aims at addressing trafficking in human beings (THB) and abuse by:

  • strengthening and expanding the means of assistance to victims of trafficking (VoTs) and abuse and
  • prevention activities among youth who are at risk of being trafficked through a joint effort between Belarus RC, Icelandic Red Cross (IRC) and IFRC.

The project's overall objective is to combat trafficking and abuse through prevention and increased support to Victims of Trafficking in Belarus by building capacity of Belarus RC and involving civil society organisations and government authorities. It's specific objectives are: Awareness raising, support and re-integration of victims of trafficking and abuse with strengthening capacities of and cooperation between Belarus RC and relevant state and non-state actors.

Expected results: 1) Improved access to re-integration, psycho-social support, education and legal services for victims of trafficking and abuse in Belarus. 2) Improved awareness of potential victims of THB and abuse through preventive actions such as peer education and community based initiatives developed by volunteers. 3) Enhanced exchange and cooperation between Red Cross, civil society and authorities to combat trafficking, abuse and promote best practices.

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