Research and Studies

Migration to Europe through the Western Balkans - Serbia & the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Reach report consolidated report on migration to europe through the western balkans png

Since the autumn of 2015, over half a million people migrated to Europe via the Western Balkans, most having sought asylum in countries across the European Union (EU). The vast majority of migrants travelled to Europe via Turkey, Greece and the Western Balkans. The once fluid migration route changed significantly in February, following the introduction of successive new policies and border closures, culminating in implementation of the EU-Turkey Plan, which effectively closed all borders along the Western Balkans route.

Building on a rapid assessment at the peak of migration in September 2015, REACH conducted a six month study of migration trends in the Western Balkans. Using primary data collected through group interviews with migrants, the study sought to provide detailed and actionable information to humanitarian actors and policy-makers, focussing on the demographic composition and motivation of migrant groups.

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