This report draws together the key research findings and practice recommendations related to remote project monitoring and beneficiary accountability, developed as part of a broader project. The project, Effective monitoring and beneficiary accountability practice for remotely managed projects in insecure environments, was divided into two phases. The initial research phase focused on identifying the issues experienced by and concerns highlighted by humanitarian and development stakeholders regarding remote project monitoring and beneficiary accountability practice. This research was followed by an innovation phase in which good practice recommendations were developed to address the issues raised.
This report provides an introduction to remote management for humanitarian and development practitioners and to the context in which remote management approaches are often used. It summarises the predominant issues related to monitoring and beneficiary accountability under the constraints of remote management strategies. It then re-focuses on outlining specific good practices and recommendations to address these issues. It is hoped that this report will stimulate further discussion around remote monitoring and accountability practices. Ultimately, the aim is to develop clearer guidelines and good practice recommendations for this increasingly common implementation method.