Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning of the AGIRE-funded Response to the Haiti Earthquake

Terms of reference evaluation haiti agire png

The main purposes of the consultancy are: 1. Learning to enable AGIRE and its member agencies to learn from the response given in Haiti, in order to undertake corrective actions in real time and to identify lessons for the future at the field and HQ level; 2. Accountability to provide an independent assessment of quality and appropriateness of the AGIRE-funded response throughout the programs as well as immediately after their conclusion.

The evaluation will focus more on strategic approaches adopted by member agencies rather than on details of project implementation. The exercise will draw on analysis and information collected by looking at the overall response of member agencies in Haiti, but it will primarily focus on programs funded by AGIRE. A set of relevant cross cutting themes have to be taken into account throughout the process, namely Gender, Accountability, Participation, Resilience, Use of Local Resources, Poverty Reduction, DRR and Corruption.

Contact: Marco Bertotto, m.bertotto@agire.it

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