Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning System Review

Progress Report | #03

Drc mel system review final report december 2015 png

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) initiated a three-year project in 2013, supported by Sida, that aimed to strengthen monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) processes within the organisation.

The goal was to have well-defined, global MEL structures in place by the end of 2015, covering all DRC programmes.

The initial process was designed to close at the end of 2015, and DRC desired to conduct a review of the system in order to establish progress and provide advice for future direction. Nigel Simister of INTRAC was commissioned to carry out the review.

The review was divided into three discrete phases, as follows:

  • Phase 1 consisted of a desk review of pertinent literature (see annex A)
  • Phase 2 consisted of meetings with Head Quarters staff based in Copenhagen
  • Phase 3 consisted of wider interviews with a cross section of DRC staff representing different levels of the organisation (see annex B)

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