UNICEF's Middle East and North Africa regional office recently ran a 4 day training that focussed on Consolidated Needs Assessments, The Multi-Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) and its Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action. This linked the agencies work with children in humanitarian action and global interagency obligations. The training provided participants with knowledge, understanding and practice on coordinated needs assessments as well as exploring the links to the humanitarian performance monitoring systems that UNICEF uses in emergencies. Though it was primarily a UNICEF internal capacity enhancement exercise it also facilitated participation from OCHA, WFP and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society.
The findings and recommendations are pertinent to the global debate on consolidated inter-agency needs assessments during the first days of an emergency.
Resource collections
- Coordination
- Evaluating humanitarian action
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- Monitoring of humanitarian action
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- UN Habitat - Urban Response Collection
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- Urban Response Collection - Urban Crisis Response, Recovery and Reconstruction
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- Use of evaluation evidence