Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Multi-sectorial Monitoring & Evaluation: A practical Guide for Fieldworkers

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The Monitoring & Evaluation Guidelines are part of a broader initiative within Action Against Hunger to provide tools and standards in support of nutrition security programming. Action Against Hunger works across several sectors that contribute individually and collectively to nutrition security, including malnutrition treatment and prevention, health systems strengthening, mental health and care practices, WASH, and disaster risk management.

The M&E Guidelines are designed to be used by either sector-specific projects or by multi- sector (integrated) programs, and in either humanitarian or development contexts. A strong M&E system based on the guidance detailed in this book will strengthen Action Against Hunger’s impact and help us understand our level of contribution to nutrition security based on its determinants, as shown in the model below.

This guide to M&E is not exhaustive, but provides a cross-cutting and multi-sector approach to planning for and implementing M&E throughout a project lifecycle. Project teams should use this guide alongside relevant technical guidance for specific types of interventions, as well as to complement other resources on project management, assessments, and evaluations.

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