Research and Studies

Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network: Institutional Report - World Food Programme (WFP)

Mopan 2013 wfp vol i png

This report presents the results of an assessment of the World Food Programme (WFP) conducted by the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN). The MOPAN Common Approach examines organisational systems, practices, and behaviours that MOPAN believes are important for aid effectiveness. It also examines the extent to which there is evidence of an organisation’s contributions to development and/or humanitarian results, and relevance to stakeholders at the country level.

WFP, established in 1961, is the largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. It is characterised by a dual mandate to avert starvation in humanitarian crises through food assistance delivered through emergency operations that fill food gaps in the short-term, and also via programmes that promote long- term development and thereby break the deeply rooted hunger-poverty cycle.

Since 2012, WFP has been undergoing reforms to strengthen the organisation. Major change processes currently underway include a restructuring of the organisation to better align its design around strategic priorities, the strengthening of resource management at the country level, the comprehensive review of human resource core processes, development of new approaches to communication and learning, and implementation of a single, streamlined system to improve performance monitoring and reporting.

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