Guidance and Tools

Multipurpose Outcome Indicators and Guidance

MPC is intended to enable people to meet their basic needs through local markets as they see fit, hence, its outcomes will vary, depending on the context, design (e.g., transfer values, number of transfers) and each household’s prioritized needs. With MPC becoming a more common form of humanitarian assistance, the need was identified for better and more consistent and comparable measurement of the outcomes to which MPC contributes.

These documents present a core set of household level outcome indicators that can serve as a limited menu from which donors and implementers can choose. They do not seek to capture all potential outcomes (positive or negative) of MPC, but include both cross-cutting (protection mainstreaming, basic needs, women’s decision-making, expenditure, livelihoods coping strategies) and sector specific indicators (child protection; education; food security; health; non-food items (NFIs); nutrition; shelter and settlements; WASH).

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