Naga City Disaster Mitigation Plan

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The Naga City Disaster Mitigation Project (NCDMP) is under the umbrella program called Philippine Cities Disaster Mitigation Project being implemented by the League of Cities (LOC) and the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP). The Project has financial support from the USAID through the Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program (AUDMP) implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in Bangkok, Thailand. The Project represents the LOC’s efforts to build safer and more livable cities. The Project will help establish awareness on the need for disaster mitigation among cities and promote new standards at the national and city levels through information campaigns and demonstration projects, formal education courses, and policy reforms. A major concern of the Project will be to identify mitigating measures that will help the urban poor, while promoting the importance of awareness and city planning for all potential hazards. As the first Model City, the Naga City Project will focus on the need to mitigate disasters particularly cyclones and flooding. In general, the Project aims to develop Naga as a model City for mitigating cyclones and floods. The Project will help strengthen capacity of Naga City to develop and implement disaster mitigation programs and increase their awareness on disaster mitigation standards and practices.

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