Research and Studies

Network Paper 38: HIV/AIDS and Emergencies

Analysis and Recommendations for Practice

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Responses to emergencies caused by conflict or natural

disasters are typically confined to addressing

basic needs such as food, shelter and fuel, water and

sanitation and immediate health provision through

disease treatment or prevention. Less well-recognised,

however, is the relevance of HIV at the planning

and initial stages of emergency response.

This paper argues that emergency practitioners need

a better understanding of the links between emergencies

and vulnerability to HIV. It illustrates how HIVrelated

considerations need to be taken into account

from the earliest point of response to an emergency

and through every stage of involvement. The paper

stresses that HIV-related considerations need to go

beyond a narrowly medical or even general healthcare

focus, and calls for a concerted multi-sectoral

approach to ensure that the diverse and complex

issues raised by HIV in emergency situations are

addressed. The paper identifies key considerations

that need to be taken into account, and invites

humanitarian agencies to review their policies and

practices, and implement any changes needed in the

light of the issues identified.

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