Research and Studies

New Zealand: Country Case Study Report - How Law and Regulation Support Disaster Risk Reduction

The study is part of a global project on the legal frameworks to support disaster risk reduction at country level, which is being undertaken by the IFRC in partnership with the United Nations Development Pro- gramme (UNDP). The purpose of the country case studies as a whole is to assist IFRC and UNDP in compiling a Global Synthesis Report on DRR and legislation.

Preparation for this country case study project began in March 2013, and included a visit to the greater Christchurch area. The report was prepared during April and May 2013. Given the relatively short time-frame for this study, it does not attempt to be comprehensive. Instead, it aims to provide an overview and analysis of the legal framework for DRR in New Zealand, drawing out specific examples of good practice as well as the major gaps and challenges for both legislation and implementation.

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