Research and Studies

NGO Partner Survey 2010 - Public Report

Keystone Performance Surveys

During 2010, Keystone, in association with Bond, InterAction and NIDOS, brought together a group of 25 northern NGOs based in Europe and the USA. As an independent agent, we surveyed the southern partners of the northern NGOs, asking partners to rate and comment on different aspects of the northern NGOs’ performance. We guaranteed that partners would be anonymous and the northern NGOs would not be able to identify who said what about them. 1,067 out of 2,733 partners responded, a response rate of 39%.

This report presents what the respondents said. It presents benchmark data from across all 25 NGOs, setting out the range of performance ratings they received. Each NGO also received their own confidential report, showing their specific performance compared to the benchmarks. The 25 NGOs include a variety of large, medium and small NGOs including many household names. This report does not identify any specific NGO’s performance.

The northern NGOs were involved in all major stages of design and implementation, including developing and piloting the questionnaire. The questionnaire was implemented in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. It was carefully designed to cover all major activities carried out by northern NGOs to work with and add value to their southern partners.

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