Niger PRRO 200583 Saving lives, protecting livelihoods and enhancing the resilience of chronically vulnerable populations: A mid-term Operation Evaluation

The mid-term evaluation covers WFP’s PRRO 200583 “Saving Lives, Protecting Livelihoods and Enhancing the Resilience of Chronically Vulnerable Populations”. It was intended for both accountability and learning and focuses on assessing: i) the appropriateness and coherence of the operation; ii) its results; and iii) the factors explaining the results. The evaluation assessed the following activities: targeted food/cash assistance, blanket supplementary feeding, food/cash for assets nutrition interventions (treatment of acute malnutrition, prevention of chronic malnutrition), school feeding as well as capacity development. These activities were implemented through an integrated multi-sectoral approach in line with WFP’s approach to building resilience. The evaluation, which makes a number of recommendations for the future, was managed and conducted by a consultancy firm, with fieldwork taking place in November 2015.

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