Research and Studies

Non Food Item (NFI) Voucher Fairs in Walikale Territory, North Kivu, DRC (CaLP Case study)

In response to a rapid-onset emergency, UNICEF and Solidarités International utilised a cash-based voucher approach in Nyasi and Bobolo villages, in WalikaleTerritory, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). As part of a larger multi-province, multi-partner response programme in DRC known as RRMP (Rapid Response to Movements of Population), the project used cash vouchers at fairs to provide recently displaced families with access to essential non-food items (NFIs). This case study is one example of hundreds of NFI and shelter voucher fairs which have been organised by UNICEF partners and other organisations in DRC since 2008. Between 2008 and 2011, the fairs have provided NFIs to 157,000 emergency-affected families (some 785,000 people) in the DRC. As of late 2011, the approach had been expanded to six provinces and is now used to deliver more than half of NFI assistance in the country.

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