NRC Global Education Core Competency Strategy 2018-2020

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NRC aims to ensure that children and youth affected by displacement enjoy quality education that is relevant to their psychosocial, emotional and cognitive development, across all phases of displacement (NRC Programme Policy 2017). This Global Education Strategy provides an overview of how NRC, building upon the status of our education programming today, will ensure the greatest likelihood of success in achieving this aim in 2018–2020. The strategy aligns with global education policy and frameworks including Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Minimum Standards for Education.

This strategy follows on the One Million Learning in Emergencies Initiative, a 2015–2017 initiative to increase access to quality education for children and youth affected by displacement. As a result of this organisation-wide effort, the number of education services provided by NRC more than tripled between 2016 and 2017. By building on this growth and the lessons learned, the strategy deepens the One Million framework, reiterating the centrality of quality education that leads to actual learning. The strategy also aims to define more clearly how NRC provides quality education in conflict and crisis – what is the NRC way?

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