The impact of global trends and the broad range of intersecting hazards highlighted the need for increased emergency preparedness and response. As the number of humanitarian crises and partners expanded, significant new demands were placed on OCHA emergency response coordination efforts.
2008 was a year of near record resource mobilization for international humanitarian funding, with almost $12 billion registered. About half of the funding recorded was provided to projects in consolidated and flash appeals, covering approximately 70 percent of the over $7 billion in appeal requirements. To assist with performance measurement in consolidated appeals, OCHA developed a blueprint for strategic-level monitoring which will be strengthened in the year to come. In 2008, an increasing amount of funding – a total of $859 million – was channeled through humanitarian pooled funds managed by OCHA. Enhanced guidelines and training, as well as surge support and coaching for Resident Coordinators/Humanitarian Coordinators (RCs/HCs) and Humanitarian Country Teams on the pooled fund mechanisms strengthened the field-based decision- making process. The responsibilities of RCs/HCs with respect to strategic planning and pooled funds management, and their measurements of success, have helped to reinforce the other pillars of humanitarian reform.