DG ECHO's strategic objectives included in the regional HIP for 2012 for the Horn of Africa (HoA) are: a) People affected by crisis, whether man-made or natural, are assisted in a timely fashion and offered adequate protection through humanitarian assistance, including improved emergency preparedness. b) Local resilience is strengthened through Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities preparing targeted vulnerable and at-risk communities to better cope with drought and other natural disasters.
For Ethiopia, this strategy will be more specifically targeting: 2. Vulnerable population in disaster prone areas (drought, epidemics as well as floods) 3. Refugee population that flocked into Ethiopia with enormous needs and with abrupt increase in numbers during 2011 and host communities through the provision of multi-sectoral assistance, with a focus on life-saving services and protection for the most vulnerable groups; In line with the response requirements, the major areas of intervention that have been identified include nutrition, food assistance, short term food security, livelihoods support, WASH, health and epidemics. Compliance to the Operational Guidance Note alone does not warrant funding. Each proposal will be appraised on a case by case basis against the prevailing context and in consideration to the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) or Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement (FAFA) as relevant.