Oxfam GB Complaints Policy

Oxfamgb complaints policy png

This policy applies to Oxfam GB and is global in application. A complaint can be made by any supporter, partner organisation, community or individual with whom we work or any member of the public whether an individual, company or other entity in the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world. Ensuring that our stakeholders can hold us to account will improve the quality of our work. Oxfam GB (henceforth known as ‘Oxfam’) strives to be excellent in all that it does but recognises that this cannot always be the case. When we make a mistake we want and need to be informed. We will use the information to endeavour to put things right and to help us to become more effective. Oxfam is committed to ensuring the accessibility of its Complaints Policy, procedures and systems for making a complaint, across the breadth of our work

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