Research and Studies

Peace & Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA) and NGO Peacebuilding - Experiences from Kenya & Guatemala

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This report summarises the key findings from two collaborative projects on NGO capacity building for conflict reduction and peacebuilding undertaken by International Alert (IA) and the Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible (IEPADES) in Guatemala, and the Centre for Conflict Research (CCR) in Kenya, funded by DfID-CHAD and IA. The work particularly focussed on the development and validation of practical tools for conflict-sensitive development planning and monitoring. In both countries, the project included an assessment of the roles NGOs have played in promoting peace and justice in these countries, a facilitated self-assessment of the current programming practices by a selected group of NGOs, and the development and testing of innovative conflict analysis and planning methodologies for NGOs. Beyond this, the NGO consultations in both countries provided a wealth of lessons on the challenges of civil society peacebuilding from an indigenous perspective. The aim of this report is to put the results and learning from these projects into a wider perspective and to identify possible ways forward for supporting and developing the capacity of local peace actors.

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