Guidance and Tools

Peacebuilding, Governance, Gender, Protection and Youth Assessments

A Basic Guide for Busy Practitioners | 3rd Edition

Pggpy third edition may 2017 final web png

The integration of peacebuilding, governance and gender considerations into development and humanitarian programming constitutes a core competency for Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Our agency considers protection—especially of vulnerable groups at risk of exploitation and abuse—to be a matter that should be integrated as well. In this third edition of our guide about conflict, governance, gender and protection assessments, we have added a youth assessment to the tools. While not yet considered a component of the core competency as defined in CRS’ current agency strategy, positive youth development is an important cross-cutting consideration for both humanitarian and development programming. Our focus is primarily on empowering youth so they can flourish in their households, communities and societies. We do so by providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to build healthy relationships and to gain more equitable access to information, resources and decision-making in all walks of life.

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