People-Centred Approach and Cross-cutting Dimensions: Best Practices from Food Security Clusters/Sectors

The promotion of leadership and participation of affected populations in programming, planning, monitoring and evaluating is essential to shape humanitarian response. Mainstreaming gender, age, or protection dimensions into cluster activities is key to ensure a qualitative response for the food from strengthening local capacities to involving national and local governments, civil society and the affected population.

This document is an effort to capture selected best practices and lessons learnt from across the Food Security Sector that could serve as an example for others. The document is meant to initiate a discussion on potential harmonisation of methodologies and approaches for increased global advocacy and awareness on mainstreaming cross-cutting dimensions. The examples are grouped along the Humanitarian Programme Cycle and were collected during face-to-face and phone interviews with FSC/FSS Coordinators, Cluster Lead Agencies (WFP/FAO) and FSC/FSS partners.

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