Research and Studies

Perception Survey of Aid Recipients in Somalia

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The cumulative impact of previous climate- and conflict-related shocks, as well as the more recent socio-economic impact of the pandemic have left 5.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance across Somalia.4 Between July and September 2020, 1.3 million people were facing high levels of acute food insecurity– a number which is expected to increase to 2.1 million by the end of the year, in the absence of humanitarian assistance.5

To better understand affected people’s perceptions of the pandemic and to inform the rapidly evolving humanitarian response, Ground Truth Solutions surveyed 1,533 aid recipients across 17 of the 18 Somali regions from 7 to 22 September 2020.

This is the fourth survey Ground Truth Solutions has carried out in Somalia since 2017 – data collection took place in 2017, the second in 2018, and the third in 2019. In line with previous efforts, these findings will be used to inform humanitarian programming and provide metrics for monitoring objectives in the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)

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