Research and Studies

Pilot project to strengthen emergency nutrition training in preservice and in-service training courses

Nw enn kenya visit feb 1 10 2010 report png

The overall objective of this project is to build sustainable human capacity to respond to nutritional emergencies through strengthening pre- and in-service training courses within developing countries. The project is being supported by NutritionWorks together with the Emergency Nutrition Network (two organisations based in the UK) with funding from the US Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance. The project is being piloted initially in two countries, one of which is Kenya. Fiona Watson (NutritionWorks) and Wambui Kogi-Makau (University of Nairobi) spent 10 days in February 2010 gathering views from a range of stakeholders on suitable training institutions and how emergency nutrition can be incorporated into existing curricula in Kenya. This report summarises their findings.

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