Research and Studies

Power Analysis: A Learning Review

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This learning review explores how power analysis is integrated in Christian Aid resilience programmes funded by CHASE and General PPAs 2011-2016. The findings included here are based on patterns identified across a global portfolio of interventions in Health and HIV, Disaster Risk Reduction and livelihoods and Inclusive Market Development. It is fully acknowledged that the findings are based on common threads and that across a global portfolio there will always be exceptional examples and outliers. Understanding and integration of power in resilience work. The first step to using power is to understand how power relationships affect change. In very general terms partners and country programmes share an understanding of power as:  Multi-dimensional, dynamic and changing;  Have different forms of power to, power with and power within;  Types of power: knowledge, resources, personal and positional;  Power operates in different spaces. The integration of power analysis is varied across the different types of interventions. Christian Aid has been developing an overarching Resilience Framework as a structure for different programme entry points and to clarify the links and potential synergy between thematic interventions. This review identified that thematic areas use power analysis in a variety of ways.

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